Sharp Lilly Bouquet
Here is a lovely bunch of lilies, bundled gracefully along with roses and hydrangea. The corset of the bouquet is designed with a black transparent wrap, and a classic black ribbon gives it a stunning look. The combination of the blooms represents alluring freshness and provides a soothing feel.
This lilly bouquet represents an outshining contrast of white blooms and black wraps together. It is a combination of lilly flowers, which symbolize purity and innocence; mathiola, which is a symbol of happiness; hydrangea, which reflects deep understanding; roses, which are famous for their passion for love; the blazing passion of hypericum berries; and the graceful greenery of Italian ruscus.
It is a perfect fit for any type of occasion, whether it’s a new year, you have to congratulate someone on a new beginning, or you have to express a gesture of sympathy.
Product description
- Lilly -5
- Mathiola – 5
- Hydrangea – 3
- Rose – 10
- Hypericum – 5
- Ruscus – 5