Bright and cheerful, this bouquet of sunflowers and yellow roses will bring joy and cheer to anyone’s day. Sunflowers symbolize happiness, warmth, and optimism, while yellow roses symbolize friendship, joy, and new beginnings. Together, they make for the ideal combination to express our appreciation on any special occasion—a birthday, graduation, or just because.
This bouquet is comprised of freshly cut sunflowers, yellow roses, spray roses, solidago, and eucalyptus flowers arranged beautifully and attractively, with sunflowers taking center stage.
Bouquet Arrangements
- Sunflower 5
- rose yellow 10
- spray rose 7
- solidago 7
- eucalyptus
This bouquet will surely make an impression and brighten any room it enters, while showing someone you care. Order one now, and let the flowers speak for themselves!